Solfa Cipher

  Solfa Cipher is a musical code for turning words into melodies.
        Try typing your name in the box:

                                Mute     Case Sensitive     
 Solfa §Key:                               

 Solfa Cipher encodes each letter as a scale degree (Do, Re, Mi, etc) and note length (1, 2, 3, 4), but the true cipher is the actual music.
 Changing the Solfa §Key disguises the message by changing the notes in the melody. If you only share the notes, someone will need to know your §Key to decipher.  For further information and an advanced version of this music cipher that supports other languages see

 Listen to your Cipher Tune:                                                                     

              (MIDI player is not optimized for mobile phones. Try pressing [play] again.)
      Driven by abcjs, an open source ABC notation editor.

    Are you having fun?        Buy me a cup of coffee:   Venmo   PlayPal
If you are using my cipher for a puzzle or ARG, you obviously can't give credit without it being a spoiler, but it would be nice to let me know about it.
© 2013 - Revised: 2024 - cipher{at}solfa-co[dot]de